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誰かかるた持ってないの?笑 マレベで国語の便覧を見つけて、百人一首を覚えたくなったちぐです。蝉丸。 I haven’t written blog for a while><
I didn’t have energy and I was busy~
Actually, I’m still busy, but I wanna remain what I did, so I write!!
After Drawing, I watched a movie, “Osama,” which is located in Afghanistan.
Osama is a girl who disguised as a boy to work for her mother and grandmother.
It was really sad story. No mercy.
The people in the town are kind, but severe environment hinder them from saving Osama.
It was really impressive movie.
After that, I went to Chinese class, but the class was canceled!
I guess there is no more class. Lol
Because Yaqi called me, I went to caf to get light dinner and go to the farewell dinner party of international club with her!
My table was East Asian table. We didn’t intend it, but there were only Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. Lol
It was interesting to listen to Chinese and Korean ;)
We eat a lot☆☆
After the dinner, Momoe, Yaqi, Ting, Sugi, Soo, and I didn’t have anything to do, but wanted to something fun, we went to international lounge and watched a movie!
It was romantic comedy. I don’t remember the name of movie, but it was really funny~!
Because noise distracted us too much, we stopped watching it before climax.
And we began girl’s talk ;)
It was very fun! Because I had never talked such a long time with many international friends, it was really new for me.
Everyone said that they prefer Asian. Somehow we are similar.
We talked about Voorhees’ ghost, movie stars, love, and our weight. lol
We are from healthy countries. Lol
After that, I went to Ivan’s apartment to celebrate Jumpei’s birthday!
It was really good party♪ He looked very happy!
Akari also opened her place. Thank you very much!! At that day, Ikuei was drunk very much. It was funny~lol PR
21歳おめでとーーー!!!わー!! 昨日のパーティーはすっごく楽しかったなー☆☆ じゃんぴーがめっちゃくちゃ喜んでて、すっごい笑顔だったので、見てて嬉しかったですw なんだか愛にあふれたパーティーだったねー♪ 最後に芝生に寝っころがって空を見たのもなんだか素敵だったねw なんかいつも誕生日のたびに思うけど、 みんなが忙しい中時間をやりくりして、その子のために一生懸命準備して 特別な日にしよう!って頑張ってるのを見ると 友情って良いなーって思うね☆ 今回はきょーすけの頑張り(気合い?)に感動しましたw いつも仲良くしてる友達に感謝の気持ちを伝えること、特別な日に喜ばせようとすることって、すごく大事なんだなーと思った4月の下旬です。 と言うことで祝います。 じゅんぺい、誕生日おめでとう!!おめでとうおめでとうーーー!! ではベトナムにランチに行ってきます。 英語の日記は次回。 最近だらけてます。ちぐです。いかん。いかん。 I have read English articles for a long time, but I saw it for the first time. Lol
Though this pink circle distructed my reading, I was really happy☆
Yey! Because I couldn’t finish reading, I stayed up by 6:00 this morning.
But thanks for it, I saw beautiful clouds^^
I’m not sure, but I think so.
It reminded me a song.
ピエロ 上木彩矢
Do you know this song? Maybe no…I think it’s not so famous song.
This song reminds me of my father.
When I listened to the song on radio, I really wanted to get the song.
But because I didn’t have much money (I saved money to go to concerts.), I almost gave up buying it.
But, maybe because I seemed really wanted the song, my father bought the CD for me!
It’s a heart-warming story, isn’t it? Lol
Today, I talked a lot with Kotomi again!
Thank you very much for accompanying to my dinner^^
Nothing to eat…
I have to go to Saigon market asap…
Caf food seriously destroys my stomach!!! ><
I can’t wait weekend-!
やっぱだめ。 塩とか油とか多すぎると体調崩すんだってば!地味に! その体調の崩し方が地味すぎて 授業には問題なく行けるんだけどさ 宿題へのやる気が がっつりさがるでしょ。 うーん、それってこ飯のせいじゃないか? そして今日せっかくのご飯のお誘いにも行けなかった。。 カフェのご飯がいやなのに 体調崩して外に食べに行けないって どういうこと!? もー! Coe Collegeは大好きで あと2週間とかで授業が終わってしまう思うとめちゃくちゃ悲しいです でも やっとカフェから逃れられると思うと その点だけはかなり嬉しいです。笑 カフェに行くのは好きなんだけどね 友達に会えるから ただご飯がね。 健康的な食生活に早く戻りたいーーー やせたーーーい!!!!太ったし!!!
ちがう。完徹。 I read “Tegami” which is written by Kego Higashino. I borrowed it from Kotomi^^
At first, because the circumstance of the main character was too harsh, it was hard to read it.
But later, it got more and more interesting, so I couldn’t stop reading><
So, I read it by midnight. lol
It was really good. I almost cry :,(
The novel told me the importance and powerlessness of time.
After that, I looked for an airplane ticket for my mother.
She’ll come to the U.S. and we’ll travel together! Yey!
But it was really troublesome!!!!
And I don’t have much experience to plan a travel, so it was really hard for me.
Just deciding place is difficult!
But I’m sure I’ll go to Chicago again ;) It’s partly because I have to change plane, but main reason is that the pictures of Impressionism are in Art Institute of Chicago!
I went to Chicago two times, but the pictures of Impressionism were in Texas at both time!
The feature of Art Institute of Chicago is the pictures of Impressionism! I shouldn’t miss it!!
After I consult with my father about the trip, I began to make a graphic.
It was really really fun!
Because I don’t use Illustrator recently, I forgot some techniques.
But it was still fun^^
Using Illustrator, I can develop graphic steadily. It takes time, but when it is completed, the pleasure is great♪
But as I said at first, I couldn’t make satisfying work><
Actually, because it took too much time and it was late, I lost enthusiasm…^^;
I should have begun it earlier~~><
Too bad…
Anyway, it was really fun!
And it was also fun to see friend’s works^^
Minna otsukare-!
By the way, I used Illustrator in my graphic design class today, but Just when I saved it, it crushed.
I couldn’t save it…
And, one of my teeth was chipped... Jeees…!!!!! |