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フランクデー今日じゃなかったー>< なんだかんだで、心のどこかで今日だと信じ込んでいたので 朝起きて、フランクデーの知らせがなかったことに気づいて(朝「フランクデーだぞー!」って知らせに来るらしい。) 結構激萎え。 皆のフランクデーへの期待が ここまで盛り上がってたのに 今日じゃなかった… 先生も明日かもねって言ってたのに やっぱり先生もホントに知らないらしい 今日じゃなかった… いいお天気であったかくて、絶好の日だったのにね~ まぁ ドローイング行けたし、逆に楽しみが先延ばしになって、まだ盛り上げれるからいいんだけどねw 今日のお昼はいっくんとスーとスージーと食べたんだけど、今日フランクデーじゃなかったことにがっかりしてたスーは面白かったw てか、今まで気付かなかったんだけど、スーにはいつも「ちくさー」って呼ばれますw ヤーチーもちくさって呼ぶけど ちくさはスーのためだけの呼び名なんだそうですw かわいいww スーはホントに美人だなー。アジアンビューティーって感じ!髪も黒くてさらさらで素敵 うらやましす! Today, I went to drawing class → piano lesson → lunch. And after the lunch, I went back to Voorhees (my dorm) and began to make pictures of cherry flowers.
Several weeks ago, Phillys suggested me to make some cherry blossom stuff for our farewell party.
But I haven’t made it yet, because I was busy and I thought today is Flunk day!
But it wasn’t…so, I made it after lunch.
The quality was horrible.
I cut a paper into small pieces of flowers.
I like graphite. I like charcoal.
But I can’t get along with scissors and water colors!!!
But I tried to use it ><
Though what I made was not good, it was really fun to make it^^
It was like manual arts class in elementary school. Lol
I was happy because Phillys and the other ESL teachers were really pleased at the flowers!
Phillys tried to let many person know that I made the flowers. Like mother! lol I was happy♪ lol Today, we had farewell party.
You know, it’s kind of too early to say good-bye. But we’re gonna be busy because of finals, so our teachers decided to have party earlier!
We had it at second floor in library.
Many American and international friends came to the party^^ I was so happy!
We had small speech about our college life.
Takuro sung! I like it^^
I haven’t listened to the song, but I remember Ren often sung the phrase “Make a wish.”
I almost cry :,(
Actually, I couldn’t sleep well last night because maybe I was too excited for Flunk day, I had a latte at night, and I remembered and the missed the days since last summer.
I had abundant experience here.
I’ll miss this life badly…
I can’t believe that I will not be able to meet most of the friends forever after I go back…
So sad ><
After the party, I went to dinner (though I ate many mushrooms.)
I listened a lot ^^ (though I didn’t speak so much…)
My friends talked about movie. I haven’t watched many movie yet, I couldn’t join the conversation X(
Sad~ I should watch more to find topics to talk! PR
しかしラテね 軽いと思ったけど やっぱ確実に少ないよ。 バニラフレーバー入れてって言ったのに 全然バニラの味しないよ。風味0%だよ。 忘れたでしょ、入れるの。 もー 損した( ´ Д`) でもまぁ飲めただけでいいとします。じゃんぴーついてきてくれてありがとーん In these days, everyone is anticipating the date of Flunk day.
Flunk day is the school official event which cancels all the classes at that day and lets us drink on campus from daytime.
Moreover, nobody knows the date.
Even teachers don’t. Those who know the date are only the members of Flunk day conference.
It sounds crazy, but it’s a real event. Lol
So, all of students are looking forward to the sudden happiness and try to figure out the date. I think the anticipation mostly depends on weather forecast. It’s fun to feel the excited atmosphere. Lol
Everyone says tomorrow is Flunk day…
But I hope it will be Tuesday or Thursday!!!
I don’t wanna miss a chance to draw, and I have Philosophy on these days!
I like Philosophy, but I wanna escape from the class>< lol Today, I had Japanese conversation with Suji as usual.
We did Japanese psychological test today. Lol
“The letter from your first lover”
The one which all Japanese girl did several weeks ago. Lol
It was hard to explain “ボケ” and “つっこみ” to her ><
“かまってほしいかどうか” was also hard to explain... Though I translated that “whether you want attention from your boyfriend or not,” I don’t have confidence ^^;
But it was really fun!
And I found that I can translate Japanese to English relatively quickly! I do't know it's correct or not,
I’m happy^^
By the way, do you know 「1年目の手紙」?
It’s new psychological test. Lol
Try it!
I did it with Ikuei today. lol That was funny~
The letter from my “boyfriend” is
http://tegami.hanihoh.com/r/?k=090415783449e4eda49f49b Maybe. Lol
By the way, the letter from my “first lover” is
http://letter.hanihoh.com/r/?k=090323510749c729a934283 ummm… lol
After I saw the analysis for Ikuei, I went to Computer shop with Joanna and Takuro! Finally I made an action to fix my computer. Lol
The clerk in the shop was really good guy!
I was afraid that I can’t explain the problem of my computer, but he understood what is the problem from my simple explanation.
And his English and explanation was really clear!
I think he’s one of the kindest clerks in the US. Lol
He taught me some anti-spyware software. It was so helpful!
I hope my i-tunes will work again…
After I came back to Coe, I went to dinner and a class. I made a graphic for “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
I tried not to use my usual style to make a graphic suit to the play.
It was interesting^^
I tied to use typography, but it was hard. I can’t make use of fonts…
By the way, is it better to use Illustrator to make typography? (I used Photoshop. Maybe it's impossible to modify the fonts.)
Umm…I’ll try hard.
And after that, I went to drawing session. It was fun, but there wasn’t enough time to finish my assignment. (three drawings of model)
I was rushed...>< I'm not satisfied with my drawings…too messy! But my teacher gave me good comments on my drawings.
And she admired my perspective portofolio vey much! I’m so happy!! ^^ It was funny that the teacher said that “Your drawing is really Japanese like” to my Chinese friend. lol
She’s not Japanese, teacher! Lol
でもなんか物足りないんだなー おせんべいが あの、醤油辛い 歯ごたえのある 食べ物が 欲しい… 揚げ物じゃないから胃もたれしなさそうだしー 果物ゼリーでもいいな☆ コンビニにある、果物がどかっと入ってるやつね。 コンビニとかー 響きが懐かしい! アメリカにもコンビニあるけど(アメリカのコンビニのほとんどは、なぜか常にガソリンスタンドの奥にある) ケイシーズとか ロードレンジャーとか呼ぶからなー 両方とも、私はめったに行きませんが。笑 だってなんも売ってないんだよー 煙草吸わないし サンドイッチは確実にまずそうだし ドーナツは食べたいけど買に行くほどでもないし、太るし スナックやアイスも太るからなるべく買いたくないし。(そういえば校内で買えるしー) まぁ、でも一番の理由は たった5分だけど歩くのがめんどくさいからだな…。笑 たぶん、今日本にいたとして コンビニが目の前にあるあの東京の家にいたとしても めんどくさくて買いに行ってないんじゃないかなぁ、おせんべいもゼリーも。笑 いや、これ以上太りたくないしねw だいたいそんなかんじ。ちぐです。 どうしても耐えられなくなったら自販機にチョコチップクッキー買いに行こう。 あ!食堂からもらってきたりんごがあった!! Today, Life Drawing started in my drawing class.
It means that we finally began to draw a model in class!!
Because I sometimes go to drawing session, I used to see models.
But since I knew there were some classmates who haven’t participated in the session, it was kind of awkward…^^;
Today’s model was really skinny woman! And she was cute!!
Because it was cold even in the classroom, I felt sorry to her…
I am happy because I feel the improvement of the skill of organizational drawing!
When I learned it for the first time, I couldn’t understand how to do it, but I think I almost understand it! (Almost, though)
Yey Yey!!
It’s really fun to draw. I’m sad because I’m sure I can’t have such great chances to draw after I go back to Japan.
I heard Biken or Kaigakai (I don’t remember) is doing drawing session twice a week.
I want to join them- but the date is same as flipper’s…
And it’s awkward to join a club such a late time…
They are troubles><
I know I can draw anything everywhere, but it’s kind of hard to find time and place…
I hope I will continue drawing.
Today, I watched two movies.
“Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf” and “Salaam Bombai!”
“Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf” is for my assignment.
The next project for graphic design class is making advertisement for a play.
Mine was “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf.”
It’s really play like play.
This play is about a night when middle-aged and young married couples quarreled all night.
It describes humans’ inside and complicated relationship well.
It was interesting, but couldn’t help sleeping…lol
But I felt like to go to watch play after I watched it.
I think plays are difficult, but the contents should be really rich. Maybe I can learn many thing if I understand it.
Anyway, I’m thinking about my project. Umm-
“Salaam Bombai!” was the movie whose location was India. It made in 1988.
This movie was about street children in India.
The environment was harsh.
I was surprised that the street children in the movie were real street children.
When I watched it, I didn’t even imagine it, so I was really shocked…
There are still many street children in the world.
What can we do for them?
でも今日も頑張って10時半に起きて、11時にはカフェでブランチしました。 えらい! でも、ももえちゃんにモーニングコールをするのを忘れたので完璧な朝ではなかった…ちぐです。 Yesterday I saw live performance. A band played rock music.
Because I really like rock and live performance, I can’t help listening to them!!
Sorry to leaving the table for a long time, friends…I was just sooo excited and wanted to listened to it closer place. Lol
Because I hadn’t listened to live rock music for a long time, I was lack of live music. Lol
The members of band seemed like middle-aged guys, but their music was so cool!
Actually, I hadn’t listened to the sounds of guitar or drum carefully. (Certainly because I always concentrate on Nishikawa-kun’s voice) But I did yesterday! It was really good!!
I had thought the sound of guitar is kind of annoying, but it was just cool!
It was really really nice to watch live performance in close distance!
I wish I can see a.b.s.’s performance in that distance…
It should be incredibly cool!
And I watched “Sound of music” with Momoe♪
Actually, I had watched it when I was junior high school student.
But I didn’t like music better than now at that time and didn’t watch it carefully, so I had wanted to watch it again! Thank you for the chance! Momoe^^
Because it was very long, we watched only first half part of it, but it was awesome!
Maria is really pretty and the children are soooooo cute!!!
Their songs healed me^^
The scenes of dance were very romantic! I love it☆
I think American and European are really like to dance. When I watch Western movie, the characters always dance in romantic scenes.
Actually, after I came to the U.S, I saw many Americans dancing whenever there was music.
Surely dance party like “pres ball” and “homecoming dance party” looked really important event here.
I really like it, (though I don’t like “dirty dance” lol) but I think it’s not Asian culture.
Thinking about Japan, we have traditionally sent message to express our feeling. Maybe words are important for us~.
It is interesting^^
And last mid night, I went to star gazing with Momoe, Go, and American friends!
The American friend took us to great dark place ;) It was like “nowhere.”
It was kind of cloudy, windy and cold, but the stars were really beautiful!!!
The Big Dipper (北斗七星。北斗七星って名前って綺麗ー) glittered in the sky very clearly.
And I saw two meteors☆ Yey!
I really like to gaze stars.
I wish I could see more stars in Tokyo ><
We went to our friend’s house and came back to Coe about five. Lol
But I woke up at 10:30 because I wanted to go to drawing session!!
But when I went to Dows with my friend after brunch, we found that today’s drawing session wasn’t opened today…there was nobody in drawing room!
Maybe it was because it is Easter today. It’s good holiday, but… Gush…
But after that, I went to Peterson to do my homework with the friend!
I’m drawing bird specimens recently. I was kind of scared of the specimens at first, I accustomed to it.
But today there were more specimens in the Anatomy room. (Because it is Anatomy room, there are lay figures and a live lizard.)
Rats, squirrels, bats, foxes… there was also a big frog in formalin.
I was so scared!!!!
But I stand…it was really good that my friend studied with me in the room. Lol
When we got tired of homework, we talked about literature.
She taught me some Chinese poems!
I didn’t know that, but she said there are lots of love poems in China.
It’s kind of surprising for me. Somehow I thought there are no love poems in China. (失礼)
Maybe it’s because I learned only 春眠 or something in schools.
She said that Chinese learns the Chinese literature which we learn in high school when they are very young.
It’s interesting to hear it~
I wasn’t interested in Chinese characters, (because I couldn’t remember and pass Kanji exams) but now, I think it is beautiful. Each chatacters contains many meanings, and they are like pictures.
And I feel like it’s a little easier to guess meanings than Alphabetical words. Lol
Today’s happy thing is that she said that my English is improving!
I don’t feel it by myself, but I was really happy to hear it! Yey yey!
Keep going, keep going!
I still have more than one month. I can improve. It’s enough time to change me!
One month passed, I wish he could see the flowers blooming.
Yesterday, I was really really tired because my paper’s due was yesterday at noon.
I don’t wanna mention my paper…
I couldn’t go to Writing Center…
Anyway, I barely handed it in and went to Drawing class.
I couldn’t concentrate on drawing, because I was tired.
Taking rest with my dace on the desk, one of my classmates asked me “Chigusa, are you dead?” lol
I think it was the first time that he talked to me!
Yey! I should have continue the conversation longer~><
After that, I went to caf.
It was very nice lunch!
Needless to say, food was bad, as usual.
But it was really nice to talk with my friends~~!!
The lunch with them is my refreshing time, but I couldn’t go to lunch at usual time on Monday, I really really missed the lunch with them!!
Because this Sunday is Easter, we talked about Easter.
Fox said Jesus is like Zombi! Lol
It was funny. Lol
After the lunch, I went to library with Shannon and she taught me a lot about sharks!
She knows about sharks very much!!
When we go to sea,
1. Don’t bread
2. Don’t wear shiny stuff
And if we happened to meet a shark,
1. Don’t be in panic, stay calm
2. Remember their weak point is their nose.
She also knows a lot about sea creatures.
It was really interesting to listen to her!
After that, I watched “Amarcord” which is made by Italian film director, Federico Fellini.
As you know, it’ for my class.
This film was really interesting, and so funny!
Maybe it was 群像劇(英語でなんだ?)
There was no certain main character, but all of the characters were like main characters.
Also, it doesn’t have consistent story. Just the descriptions of the villager’s life.
But it was great!
Italian cheerful atmosphere, the threat of fascism and Italian view of beauty…all of them were interesting to watch.
Though I wondered why I knew the name of Federico Fellini, he was the director of “La dolce vita.” It makes sense~
I want to watch it, too!
I went to Chinese class and learned how to say “You are so cute!” lol
I said it to my Chinese friend after that, (It was our homework. lol) and she looked so happy!
これって要するに「可愛いよ♪」とか “You are so adorable!” とか言われてるのと同じことで
I was finally done with classes and went to Greek restaurant with Yaqi and Ting!
At first, I planned to go there by bicycle with Yaqi, but Ting couldn’t ride a bicycle, we went to the restaurant by walk!
But it was good thing because sometimes there was no sidewalk on the road. Lol
Passed by cemetery…houses…
It took about one hour to get the restaurant. Lol
It was at remote place, but it was cool and good restaurant!
And I was really happy to eat good food^^
Because the friends who I went with were Chinese, I listened to Chinese a lot. Lol
Though I couldn’t understand anything, it was interesting^^
Because we didn’t want to walk anymore and it got dark, we came back by cab~. It took only fifteen minutes or something. Lol
After the dinner, I watched a movie with Yaqi!
The story was like girls’ comic~ romantic!
But I wish the main actor was more cool… lol
He was kind of creepy and his act was too awkward ><
Though the main actress was cute^^
And I went to happy party♪
It was great Friday!
I haven’t imagined that I would like Friday so much when I was in Japan. Lol
Only a couple of Fridays are left…
It’s sad.
But I will enjoy them! |