I set The Curious Case of Benjamin Button stopped
I'm reading a magazine which I bought today
I'm thinking about running a bath
I'm writing my blog
I'm thinking about sleep early
I'm thinking about laundry
at the same time...
I want to do too many things!
Today, I took an English class after my part-time job, but I couldn't have chance to speak to the teacher to be content.
I'm kind of flustrated.
I want to speak English so badly now.
Who can I talk to??
I wanna have a conversation partner...
I have many things to do.
I have many things which I want to do
BTW, two of new coe students e-mailed me today.
I replied one, but she haven't replied me!! How come! lol
Actually, it's troublesome.
But I know how nervous they are now.
They are at a loss because they don't know how Iowa is, what's gonna happen in Cedar Rapids, what will change during the stay.
Almost one year past after I left Japan.
Many things changed in one year.
I suddenly miss Cedar Rapids.
I really missed Japan
I don't wanna live in Cedar Rapids
But the memory gets more and more beautiful.
There were so many good things
But there were also many depressing things
It's not good for me to make memory too beaautiful to escape from reality
Is it what I did in the U.S.?
I don't know. I don't know...
No, no
too many things have been changed in a year.
I'm changed.
I want to change still now
I'm said that I'm changed by my Japanese friend for the first time after I came back.
Is the change good for me?
or not?
But who decide it is good or not is just me.
I'm changed a lot, I know better about me now, and I feel less lonely than before
anyway, I was happy that my friend noticed my change.
I cannot stop moving
If I move around, I can be content.
Don't stop, don't stop
I don't wanna spend time doing nothing like before.
What I'm gonna do tomorrow?
I have too many things to do
paper-----!!!!!! lol