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I'm done!! ちぐです!
最後のクラスが終わりました☆いえい! でもまだドローイングのクラスはcriticがあるしので、まだそんなにさみしくなはいです。 よかったよかった 笑 まだ週末の日記が書き終わってないので日曜日の話。 Sunday
I woke up at 9 to attend drawing session…I’m a good girl! lol
As usual, after going to breakfast with Yaqi, I went to Dows^^
I was really tired, so I wanted to take rest
But I had big event after that…
The meeting for May term!
So, I had to do reading :,( I did it in Stewart with Momoe and Mio...
Though I couldn’t finish it, since the time came, I went to Deb (professor)’s house by Mendy’s car.
Her house was in woods. It was pretty!
And there was her grandchild! She was violently cute!!!!! Lol
Also, there were two dogs and a cat in the house. So great-!
After we checked the stuff which we’ll borrow from Deb, we attended a Native American ceremony.
Actually, I don’t know what it was for, it was sacred and interesting.
The smell of Sage was good.
And, I smoked for the first time!!
It was a part of the ceremony. It stung my throat…uu…><
The Native American guy said that tobacco is sacred for Native American. It’s interesting.
When we were waiting for the ceremony, tornado alarm rang.
I hadn’t imagined that tornado comes to Iowa, I was surprised.
But Mendy said that a tornado swept away a village in Iowa last year…scary…
She also said that it was strange. Because the test alarms usually rung in the morning, the alarm sounded like for real tornado. But the sky was not like before tornado.
She said that before tornado comes, the sky becomes greenish.
But it was just humid cloudy day.
After all, we found that the tornado went to northern part of Iowa, we didn’t come across it.
But I was scared…tornado…American climate.
I’m happy nothing happened>< PR |