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ケータイ買ったってお知らせしたら、いろんな子が連絡してきてくれて凄くうれしいです♪ ゆっくりだけど返信するからー まっててー 笑 逆カルチャーショックねー いろいろあります。 いろいろ変な感じです>< そして時差ボケもすごい。 夜早く眠くなって、朝も早ーく目が覚める。 毎朝5時過ぎくらいに必ず目が覚めるの。 老人か! I went to karaoke with my mom day before yesterday! lol The first karaoke after coming back, with mom...lol It was very fun^^ We were very excited to seeing Johnny's on screen. lol But I realized that I cannot sing! I forgot how to sing and my abdominal muscle is weakened...>< My songs are terrible, though I'm gonna go to Karaoke with you guys. Please remember it! lol I met my friend after Karaoke! We went to big city and eat Omrice;) The restaurant which she brought me was very cute and nice. There was almost no man! Only girls! lol The dinner was very delicious^^ We saw close shops and went to her house. Her house was huge! There was a elevator!!! She said that it is for when her parents get older. I got on elevator in home for the first time. It was ordinary elevator, but I was kind of excited. lol The next day, we went to cafe by bicycle. I haven't ridden on bike for a long time, I was kind of scared. lol Bicycles are very fast! It's so useful-!! Now, I'm thinking about buying new bike for Tokyo life^^ We went to "Okagean" and ate "Sironowa-ru" with maccha ice cream. It was amazing!!!! The lest of menu also looked nice. We can grill (?) rice cake!! (餅が焼ける!) I wanna go there again♪ After that, we went to a park which has a pond and took a walk. It was very peaceful and good park^^ There were many children and their parents. Japanese children are also cute-- But I found that I'm not used to talking to children in Japanese. lol I almost say "Such a long slide!" to a child! It's kind of embarrassing, but kind of happy. I still remember English... lol We went to Apita after that and saw CDs, books, and cloths^^ We talked a lot yesterday. It was very very fun. I laughed a lot. Especially, talking about our favorite singer was very very fun!^^ I remembered the excitement for singer. lol It was very comfortable to be with her. I'm looking forward to seeing her again☆ Thank you, my friend! PR a.b.s. will release new single CD again!! Recently, I’m doing nothing special.
Because of jet lug, I woke up very early every morning, but that’s it.
But I think spending ordinary days is very happy!
I’m spending lots of time with my parents.
It is not always fun, but it’s precious!
I think I’m feeling culture shock.
Many Japanese things are strange for me.
Clerks in shop are too polite.
The nuance of words contains too much content.
The communication through text is kind of weird for me…
Why rumor is so popular?
And, I found that I cannot communicate smoothly even in Japanese.
I should have felt more confidence in my English… I’m awkward anyway. lol
I’m cleaning up my room now. (My mother will not let me go back to Tokyo if I don’t finish it. Scary. lol)
Because I lived in Tokyo, the things in this room are unnecessary things.
They are just what I couldn’t throw away. Memorial things.
I was surprised that I could throw away many things without sadness.
I forgot many memories. What was important for me is not important anymore, because I forgot why they were important.
Is that mean that I got an adult?
Or did I lose important things?
But maybe I thought it is ok to forget. Maybe.
So maybe it’s ok. I may get other things instead of them.
I think my mentality changed a lot after last January.
I tried to stop my time after I graduated elementary school.
It was silly to try to stop my time, but it was not silly for me.
But I was finally released in January.
I got to be able to change after that.
I don’t know if the people who surround me notice my change, but I think I changed.
I hope my life in Japan will change. I hope so…
I found many letters which I got when I was middle school and high school student in my desk.
To be honest, I was always not very happy at that time.
But there were many letters.
I don’t keep in touch with most of them, but they were my friends at that time.
Why was I so unhappy though I got such good letters?
Today, I sent messages to my friends to tell my new phone number.
Many sent back to me and said “Welcome back.”
A friend called me at night. She is one of my friends who gave me letters.
Most of the letters were from her.
We have been friends since the very early time in middle school.
Why did I so unhappy though she was always with me?
Another friend sent text to me and was very pleased at my come back.
I went school and went back to home with her every day when I was high school student.
Why was I lacking confidence so much even though she was always with me?
I always had friends with whom I can talk trifle things.
We went different ways and we live far away, but we are still friends.
I’m sorry to them that I couldn’t stop feel unhappy. I wanted too much. Or I didn’t notice how much I had. I always thought about what I lost.
I’m gonna meet her tomorrow.
Will we be life-long friends? I think so. I want to be.
I want to know what happened to her while I cannot meet her.
I want to tell what happened to me while I cannot meet her.
It was long long time for us. I’m listening to “Valkyrie.”
It is one of a.b.s.’s songs.
I finished writing my last essay at 5 in the morning. Finally, I’m done!
I fell asleep soon after that, and woke up at 3 p.m.! Too late!
I ate soba noodle with my mother watching the DVD of “Shock.” Shock is Koichi Domoto’s show.
Viva Japanese food! Everything makes me happy. I feel very good now.
I ate pork katsu yesterday, but the meat was very, very, very tender!!! Awesome!
I can eat vegetable every meal. They are not greasy…
The condition of stomach is not complete, but I’m happy.
Food is my one of most essential things.
I realized that I don’t have to modify my schedule for other people.
Yeah, I really didn’t have to. I should do what I have to do and what I want to do.
Before I left Japan, I didn’t know what I wanted to do.
She often says “I know you want to do XXX.” But actually, I don’t know. I always didn’t know if I wanted to do that or not. And she didn’t know it.
I think my study abroad was the time to gain the ability to consider what I want.
I want to read. I want to watch good shows. I want to go out. I want wisdom.
I have to care myself. Not reputations or someone else. That’s what I realized.
My capacity is not very big. By the time I get enough capacity to take care of someone else, I have to improve myself. I have to give things for myself.
When is it? Do my precious people wait for it?
I don’t know, but I need time. Anyway, I cannot really do anything now.
I need time. The way for goal is always long.
Yesterday, I thought I live in fairy tale world.
I don’t know reality.
But, at the same time, I want to know reality and live with real people.
I don’t know what is real, though. It may not exist.
What I feel may be reality, but
I want to change my real.
I don’t mean I want to abandon my world.
But, don’t you think fairy tale should contain some reality?
I went to CD shop and bought “JAP,” “Strength,” “triple joker,” and “restoration level→3.”
I’m very very happy to have “Joker” in my i-pod! I really love the song.
“Strength” is also good!
But now, my favorite song is “Valkyrie,” which is c/w of JAP.
INSANE, MY PAIN, I’m screaming on the inside
Awake to the justice
AGAIN, IN VAIN, I’m reaching for an answer
My tragedy just fades away
I dedicate it all…
— Valkyrie
Is this lyric good? I’m not sure.
But his voice which singing that is very strong. I love it!
I can’t wait going to concert.
His music is one of few things which I knew I wanted.
I haven’t done many things which I want to do after I go back.
I have to do them.
"Again, in vain…" 実家です。ちぐです。
今、実は 東京のおうちで一人ですww ローマの休日のDVD流しながらお片づけして、友達とスカイプするという なんともスペシャルでない日本1日目 笑 今朝(?)は先生とみおちゃん、いっくん、先生のお孫さんに見送られて ももえちゃんとは違う便でアイオワを発ちました。 メイタームの先生 後期に先生の授業取った子からは良い評判聞かなかったのですが 凄く凄くいい先生でした。 というか、人間的にすごい人だと思います。 色々お話が聞けてよかったです また会いに行きたいなぁ みおちゃん、いっくん、 朝早くだったのに、来てくれてありがとう!嬉しかったよー^^ ももえちゃん 最後まで一緒にいたねー^^ ももえちゃんがcoeにいてくれてホントによかった。 うーん上手く言葉にできませんが とにかく大好きだよん♪ そして搭乗 シカゴに行き B17ゲートから出発 ゲートの周りには、あたりまえだけどアジア人がいっぱいいて それがなんだかすごく変な感じでした 飛行機に乗るとものすごく暇で でも何もする気が起きず なんとなく映画を見続けました。 でも、その映画でいろいろ思い出しました 1つめはあるモールのお話 サンクスギビングデーの次の日、ブラックフライデーにモールで事件が起きて、それに巻き込まれた意中の人と娘を助けるために奮闘する警備員さんのお話。 そのモールがブラックフライデーにまほちゃんとさわちゃんと行ったモールにそっくりで Victria Seacretも出てくるし まぁ話は単調というか、そんな凝ってないのですが 私がいた時のアメリカが、こうやって映画に残ってるんだ!って思えて、なんだか嬉しかったです。 次はピンクパンサー2。 ある怪盗を追う探偵さんのお話。(めっちゃテキトーな説明だ) 主人公のおじさんはフランス訛りでしゃべってたのですが、 もうそれがアンソニーにしか見えなくて、うけた 笑 振る舞いもちょっとアンソニーっぽいw こうやってフランス訛り聞くたびにフランス人の子たちのこと思い出すのかなぁ みんなどうしてるのかなー そういえば、日本人も一人出てくるんだけど その人はリンシェンにしか見えなかったw その次はお買いもの中毒の女の子のお話。 これは別に何も思い出させなかった 笑 日本に着いたのは3時すぎごろ 手術に使うような緑色のマスクして入ってきた検疫官に体温測られるかと思ったけど、前の席にもたれかかって寝てるうちになんか彼の仕事は終わってたらしい。いったい機内で何してたんだろう。 その後も、健康状態についての簡単な質問に答える1枚だけの書類を提出するだけで そんなにめんどくさくなかったです。 よかったよかったー それから荷物を送り、成田エクスプレスへ。 湿気が多い日本 ちょっと暑くて汗もかきます 今はアジサイが綺麗に咲く時期だったんだね 苔や田んぼを見て、日本ってホントに水が豊富な国だな、と思いました そして新宿にたくさんいた若者達がめっちゃ怖かったです みんなおしゃれすぎ。 細すぎ。 私も早くどうにかしたいよーー あー、 帰ってきたんだぁ みんな、ただいま! |