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もう自由に行動できます♪ でもケータイを失くしてしまったちぐです。ぎゃー そして唐突なのですが、最近英語を使ってないです。 毎日日本人の友達といるし、宿題もないし、アメリカにはいるけどほんのちょこっとしか英語つかってない・・・ ということで今回は英語で書いてみようと思います!! 文法とか間違ってたらすみません。。 The next day, all of my friends and I were sick. lol
Because we were so exhausted, we slept all the day. But we recovered by evening and went to watch the phantom of the opera♪ I thought audiences' style of dress was more formal in the theater than in Lincoln center. I was surprised because I had thought ballet is more formal than musicals. Actually, it was true in Japan. But it was not true in the U.S…mmm. Or maybe the content (the phantom of the opera) made audiences wear a formal dress. Anyway, the musical was excellent! The phantom was soooo cool ;)
The actors were very good! Their song was amazing.
The song of “the phantom of the opera” was also good.
When I saw the phantom made Christine sing for him again and again, I thought the phantom was extreme sadistic. lol The scene was crazy, but beautiful.
I wanna watch the movie again. But maybe it is in my house in Tokyo…I can’t watch it till January~~x(
After the musical, we went to Thai restaurant, “Yam Yam.”
It was so nice! Actually, I was still a little sick at the time, but because the food was very very good, I was able to eat them!
I realized that Asian food is soooooooooo nice after I came to the U.S.
They don’t include much fat. Healthy! Tasty!
The next day, I went to MoMa with friends.
It was terribly cold day…it snowed very heavily. I had never seen this like urban city whose road was totally covered with snow. It’s NY…wow.
MoMa was huge! There were many art works.
There were contemporary art section, design section, photo section, and so on.
I realized that I can’t understand contemporary art…they are too difficult!!!! Sometimes scary…
There were also very famous works like Picaso’s, Mone’s and so on.
I think I don’t understand art and I don’t even enjoy art maybe. Visiting museum tires me out.
I wonder if I like art or not.
But I believe that just seeing many art works will do me good in the future!! いえ~い書いたーー!! PR |